Stock information

Basic data on the Cyfrowy Polsat shares in trading

Cyfrowy Polsat’s shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 

date of first quotation May 6, 2008 
component of indices WIG, WIG20, WIG30, WIG-ESG, WIGtech
market main 
quotation system continuous 
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) PLCFRPT00013

Cyfrowy Polsat’s identification codes

Reuters CYFWF.PK
Bloomberg CPS:PW 

Characteristics of the shares of Cyfrowy Polsat

 number of sharesnumber of votestype
PLCFRPT00013 460,128,515 460,128,515 admitted and introduced to trading
Series D 8,082,499 8,082,499 admitted and introduced to trading
Series E 75,000,000 75,000,000 admitted and introduced to trading
Series F 5,825,000 5,825,000 admitted and introduced to trading
Series H 80,027,836 80,027,836 admitted and introduced to trading
Series I 47,260,690 47,260,690 admitted and introduced to trading
Series J 243,932,490 243,932,490 admitted and introduced to trading
PLCFRPT00062 179,417,501 358,835,002 Preferential voting rights (2 votes per share)
Series A 2,500,000 5,000,000 Preferential voting rights (2 votes per share)
Series B 2,500,000 5,000,000 Preferential voting rights (2 votes per share)
Series C 7,500,000 15,000,000 Preferential voting rights (2 votes per share)
Series D 166,917,501 333,835,002 Preferential voting rights (2 votes per share)
TOTAL 639,546,016 818,963,517  

Market capitalization of Cyfrowy Polsat since its debut on the WSE (PLN billion)

Last updated 04/22/2024