The new studio of Polsat’s ”Wydarzenia” (The News) and Polsat News has taken off

02 Oct 2018

The modernization of the studio from which Polsat’s ”Wydarzenia” and Polsat News programs are broadcast has been in the working since July. The studio has been upgraded thoroughly, including the multimedia equipment for displaying the illustrative graphics and the information. Fully-automated operation of cameras has been also implemented. The studio has been equipped with a new LED light wall (13.5 meters by 2.16 meters, with a 1.5 mm dot). The size of the of this led light wall and the resolution enable displaying of two 4K quality signals. The led light wall supports HDR (High Dynamic Rate) signal, which offers the possibility of showing crystal-clear images and vivid colors.

I am glad that we can present the new studio, from which our ”Wydarzenia” news program as well as Polsat News programs will be shown from the beginning of October. During less than three months we developed the space which meets the latest standards and uses state-of-the-art technologies. It is also the first stage of a longer modernization process, ultimately aimed a fully-automated control room, which would be the first facility of this type in Poland”, says Marcin Zdanowicz, the Deputy Director at the Realization Division of Telewizja Polsat.




Last updated 10/08/2018